Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Manuscript Maven

One of my writing friends, Sharon Mayhew, has started a business these past months and I've been wanting to talk about it but I've been having issues logging onto here for months. Fortunately, I'm here and able to talk about it now.

I had been having issues finding someone to look over my work for me, and she was there. As far as editing businesses go, I'm not well versed, but she's been helpful ever since a friend of mine introduced me to her last year. She pushed me to submit a query into a contest she and Terrie Wolf were doing and I am so glad I did. As for her line edits and critiques, I couldn't say enough. Her work is thorough and diligent. She is so incredibly gentle in delivering her thoughts about the work and she keeps the writer's voice in mind. Her penchant for minimalistic word usage has helped the flow of my writing tremendously as has her eye for noticing my typos and occasional laziness. 

More to the point, her business is called The Manuscript Maven. She does line editing, critiques, and author coaching for YA, MG, CB, and PB manuscripts. Any other information can be found in the link including how to contact her. 

Also, if you'd like to follow her, here's the link to her blog. 

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